Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Summary So Far

We started this project in September and I feel like Tom and I wasted three months before we actually started. Our problem was that we had created storyboards for adverts that we were never going to be able to complete. However when we were drawing up the storyboards we didn't think they would be that impossible. As a result from trying to arrange several things for the same day it just proved impossible and therefore we had to decide that we would never complete the adverts in time if at all. As a result we decided to create new storyboards (which I will be putting up on the blog once my scanner is returned next week) and therefore create new adverts which will be as effective but easier to film and edit and consequently complete.

Due to the problem's above we were unable to meet the deadlines and fortunately Mr Michie was very understanding about this. I feel we will complete the adverts by the end of February, we are aiming to complete it before so if need be we can improve small bits and pieces so that our adverts are as effective as possible.

I feel we have faced a few issues and we have overcome them well (issues in first paragraph) and consequently because of the issues and having to re-storyboard we are more determined to get our adverts completed as we feel we are behind some other groups.

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